Well I hope all is going good for you. I have been going on a bi-polarish wave here lately. So much good and then so many frustrations. I don’t have anyone to talk about most of it with. I know I talk to you about a lot of stuff, but I leave a lot out. It’s prob better that way for now. But if I seem distant that is why. I don’t want to complain when I have so much. So I don’t, for the most part. I hint about things and then I move on. I study Taoism and other philosophy and meditations and I tell everyone about them, but sometimes it is harder than it seems to keep my mind empty and be focused. I am writing right now as a therapeutic recourse I suppose. I get to go to the to meet up with a couple friends tomorrow…I will try to take that and relax, however I won’t be alone. So that begs the question if I will truley relax and reflect…because there is always a social mask that we put on when we see people. Who we are with dictates which mask we wear. Some are thicker, more ornate than others. I think the most important mask to discard is the one we wear when we face ourselves. That it the one we should work on first right? We need to see ourselves before we can be seen by anyone else. Are we ever really seen by others? I have my thoughts on that. But, our ego which are highly influenced by the society in which we live in are the masks we wear… If I could practice non-judgement more and apply that to myself that would be good. To find others that practice (because no one is perfect we must all practice and keep practicing forever) non-judgement it would be nice right? Hmmm

I decided not to edit this or make it
pretty…it’s just what is on my mind.

© A. C. A. (aka Aletheia Dasein)